Over the years with all the war, fighting and weapon shooting games that have been and are still being produced and created is one key practice for soldiers in time of real war. The time soldiers use when not on duty, many gear towards video games to pass the time, which is practice for them when going into battle. Some don't think anything of it to shoot at the enemy and are ready to do so on command.
"It felt like I was in a big video game. It didn't even faze me, shooting back. It was just natural instinct. Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! " remembers Swales," (Swales, from article Virtual Reality Prepares Soldiers for Real War).
Virtual Reality feeling video games seem to be a very good tool that is used by soldiers. It is said to be very good practice of soldiers' skills in shooting weapons in battle and the one difference is in a game your shooting a weapon on a screen opposed to shooting real weapons at real life people in real war, but it seems to increase their battle and shooting skills when at war. Who knows what the future of virtual reality games will bring about next.